Calleigh spent Christmas Eve night round her Nanna and Grandad's house. I was a little bit sad that I didn't get to wake her up on Christmas morning and surprise her with gifts but we decided it would be nice to let Nanna and Grandad have that pleasure. Instead Daddy and I got to spend the evening together and we went out for a few drinks in our local.
In the morning we went straight round to Nanna and Grandad's to see our girl. She was already up and playing with her new toys. She got a big cardboard house which she loved going in and out of. She also got a balance bike and helmet along with lots of other little goodies. She loved the bike and had so much fun walking it around with her helmet on. Unfortunately it was a little to big for us to bring back with us, so we will have to make sure we get her one to have here.
This Christmas Daddy and I decided not to get Calleigh much for Christmas. With going back to England it made it a bit awkard. We didn't want to buy presents over here, take them back to England for her to open them and then bring them back again, seemed a bit pointless. And on the other hand we didn't want to buy her loads in England as we knew family had brought her gifts and we wanted to bring them back with us. Although I couldn't resist buying her a few things including some Octonauts Teddies.

Back at Mee-Maws house we all opened some more gifts and then sat down to some yummy Christmas Dinner. Calleigh didn't eat much aside from quite a large amount of onion and garlic dip (strange child). She had much more fun playing with the party blower that great Nanna had brought round from her night out.
The whole day flew by pretty fast to be honest. Before we knew it we were tucking Calleigh into bed and getting ready to watch the Doctor Who Christmas special.
So that was how we spent our Christmas. I really enjoyed spending it with family but I am looking forward to having our own little family Christmas in St Louis this year. As Calleigh will be 3 and much, much more aware of what Christmas is we think it would be best to keep her here and give her an amazing Christmas and start our own family traditions.
Of course if family would like to come over and spend it with us here they are more than welcome!
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