Saturday 26 May 2012

A Fun Day At The Park!

With all this lovely weather we've been having it was time to take Calleigh to have some fun at the local park. But as me and Daddy have been busy all day attempting to fit a new sink, Mee-Maw and Auntie Lana kindly volunteered to take her.

I met them at the tea shop in the morning and had a lovely cup of tea with them before leaving my little princess to go off and have fun.

Whilst me and Daddy fought our way around the supermarket getting the weekly shop in, Calleigh was spinning circles on the roundabout.

Whilst me and Daddy melted away in the car on the way home, Calleigh was having a good swing.

Whilst me and Daddy were at home trying to figure out how to get the old sink out, Calleigh was sliding with Auntie Lana.

And finally whilst me and Daddy panicked wondering if water was going to gush out everywhere once we turned the water back on. Calleigh was sat down enjoying the sunshine with Mee-Maw, wondering what that green stuff was under her toes.

I must say, I much prefer Calleigh's day to mine.