Tuesday 13 August 2013

Spending Time with Family

Since moving to St Louis in April Calleigh has pretty much only had Mummy and Daddy to play with, which isn't so bad as we are pretty cool if I do say so myself. But I do feel that sometimes she needs a bit more,that maybe she gets a little bored of us at times. 
Back in England we could pop her round to Mee-Maws to have a play with Auntie Lana or take her to spend the night with Nanna and Grandad or even the weekend. She would have so much fun and do so much, and I would feel happy knowing that she is completely safe and having a blast with family. 

We don't have that luxury here, we are alone and Calleigh only has Mummy and Daddy around. She goes to daycare one day a week which I feel is important for her to be around other children as well as adults to help her grow as a person and be okay around other people. She has come on leaps and bounds since she started there and has even made some new friends (which is more than I can say for us). 

I feel a lot of guilt coming out here. One for taking Calleigh away from the people that love and adore her and two for Calleigh. What about when she is older and the other kids are going to see their families during the summer and Calleigh asks "Why can't I go see Nanna? Why are they not here with us?" What do I say to that? Maybe it won't be a problem but I still can't help but feel extremely guilty that I have taken her away from such things as spending the night with Granny (like I used to when I was a kid and loved it) or going to the park with fun Auntie Lana.

As you know my mum and sister are visiting us at the moment and I don't think I have seen Calleigh this happy since we got here. She loves the attention she is getting and laughs her head off when playing with Auntie Lana. She even calls her Wa Wa and runs around the house shouting her when she wants to play. I am slightly worried about how she will react when they have to leave this Friday. 

Moving to America has been such a massive move for us and I am really happy here. We have a big house, the weather is great and there is so much more to do with Calleigh. But I still feel my heart lies back in England. I miss my family, I miss my friends but most of all I miss having someone to dote on Calleigh as much as I do, she deserves to have a Granny to spoil her with kisses and cookies!

Sorry if this post is a bit all over the place, I just wanted to get my feelings out. 

On a much less depressing note I got a caricature done of Calleigh today on our trip to the Zoo. 
It's Awesome!

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