Thursday 7 August 2014

Aveeno Baby Products Review

A while back Calleigh started suffering pretty bad from eczema. It was all up her arms and round her neck and back, with the worst of it just sitting under her hair on the back of the neck. I really didn't know how to treat it at first as Calleigh never suffered from it as a baby and this was the first time it had made an appearance.

Back when I was younger i remember suffering with it quite badly but only on my legs (easy to hide). Calleigh's however was on show and I even got asked at daycare what it was on her arms, some days it would look worse than others I assume from her scratching. 
Up until that point I was just rubbing an eczema cream on once or twice a day in hopes that it would work, I even got a steroid cream prescribed from her doctor which worked wonderfully until we stopped using it and it came back again! 
So it seemed that just creams on their own were not working. 

I decided to try changing everything we were using to the same brand of unscented and gentle wash, shampoo, bubble bath, cream and everything.

I chose Aveeno Baby products. Not for any particular reason I just found they had the most extensive range of eczema care products.

At bath time I used the wash and shampoo as a bubble bath as well as shampoo and the soothing relief wash as a body wash. I found the wash and shampoo bubbled up really nicely and was really gentle as a shampoo and washed out easily. The soothing relief was was a cream and moisturized her skin really well. I applied it mainly using my hands as I didn't want to use a scrub or sponge and aggravate it.

After the bath I applied the eczema therapy moisturizing cream to the affected areas. The cream rubbed in really well and didn't leave a white residue behind.

I continued using the products at bath time, which I also dropped to every other day as I didn't want to over dry her skin from too much time in water, and finally I started to see some results. Calleigh had stopped scratching and the redness had gone down. Her skins still felt a bit snake like and dry but after a few more days that also got better too and her skin was looking and feeling good again.

These products clearly worked to help heal Calleigh's eczema and I think part of that is due to using them all together.
I still use the wash and shampoo and the relief wash but no longer use the eczema cream. Her skin is still looking good now and I am so relieved that it isn't red and hurting her anymore.

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