Monday 15 April 2013

Amazing Cake and Long Walks

The Friday just gone was Calleigh's great Nanna's birthday, so on Sunday, after a lovely dinner, we had some cake. 
It was the most amazing cake I have ever eaten in my life! 

It wasn't your typical birthday cake, instead I opted for two quarters of different cake from The Cheesecake Factory. 

We lit some candles on top and let Calleigh help her great Nanna blow them out before tucking in. 

Feeling a bit full afterwards we, Daddy and I, decided to take a walk around Elvaston Castle, after all it was such a nice day out.
Calleigh was happily walking along beside us, taking in all the sights and was really content even with all the dogs walking past her (she has never been a big fan of dogs). It was going really well until one dog decided he needed to give Calleigh a little lick on the face. It all went downhill from there, Calleigh burst in to tears and refused to be put down.
We fed some ducks and geese and then made our way back home.

What a lovely day we had. 


  1. Oooh, her little spotty jumper is SO cute. Where is it from? xx

  2. oh, dear, that cake!!
    and Calleigh is getting cuter everyday.
