Monday 4 February 2013

Poorly Calleigh

My little Calleigh beans is a poorly girl today. 

I've had a cold all through the past week and tried my hardest not to pass it on to Calleigh, even though it broke my heart to miss out on all the cuddles and kisses she wanted to give me. 
We even sent her away over the weekend to stay with Nanna and Grandad as Paul came down with it too. 
She came back yesterday evening happy as ever to see us. 
Unfortunately it wasn't enough and this morning my little angel was snuggled up on the sofa with her cat, with red cheeks and a snotty nose, coughing and sobbing to herself. 
She looks so sad bless her. 

I hope she feels better soon, it's horrible to see her suffering. I want my happy little beans back, running around everywhere causing chaos. 
Oh how I missed the chaos this morning.