Tuesday 11 February 2014

Mummy Tag

I came across the "Mummy Tag" on a few of my favourite mummy blogs and thought it would be fun to take part. If you like it and want to do it too just copy it from here and answer the questions. If you want leave a link to the post in the comments so I can have a read :-)

1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum?
I am a Stay at Home Mum. At the moment my Visa doesn't allow me to work in the US. Once we get Residency I may decide to find a job but I really enjoy spending my days looking after Calleigh. It's far more rewarding for me!

2. Would you have it any other way?
No. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be a working mum but I like things the way they are now. Calleigh keeps me very busy and I have my blog as well. 

3. Do you co-sleep?
No. We did when Calleigh was young but when she fell out of bed it terrified us and she has slept in her cot since then (about 6 months old) up until just recently, she now sleeps in her toddler bed. Occasionally (especially when she is poorly) she will come in to bed with us during the night but it is a rare occurrence. 

4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?
I honestly think  the best thing we had when Calleigh was a baby was a little butterfly nightlight. It projected stars and simulated a heart beat sound. She always slept really well and I think it's down to that very thing! She has just got it back out again and likes to have the stars on now when she goes to bed. 

5. How many kids do you plan on having?
This is it for me I think. We don't plan on anymore, I want to enjoy watching Calleigh grow up. Plus having moved 4,000 miles away from family it would be really hard to have another baby, I can't really explain why, It just wouldn't feel right. 

6. Date night? How many nights per month?
None! Well at least none until Mee-Maw comes out to visit again. We are still not ready to trust someone else (other than family) to look after Calleigh, It's just too scary for us to think about! 

7. Your child's favourite show?
Little Einsteins! She loves those guys and I love that she loves it. It has taught her so much about music and instruments! Just recently she has got really into Sheriff Callie's Wild West and she loves it! I think she thinks that she is also Sheriff Callie, she likes to wear her cowboy hat and boots and ride her horse (which she named Sparky).

8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?
Lot's of clothes. We brought way too many clothes before Calleigh was born and didn't realise how fast she would grow out of them. There were quite a few items of clothing that Calleigh never even wore. 

9. Your child’s favourite food?
It's got to be peas. That girl adores her peas! She has also recently developed a love for fish fingers. 

10. How many cars does your family have?
We have two. One that Daddy uses for work and another one for me to use to take Calleigh around in. It's a lot safer and nicer so we use that one the most, like I say the other is to just get Daddy to work and back (although just recently it's been struggling to do even that).

11. Weight gain before pregnancy, during and after and now?
I didn't gain very much weight at all during pregnancy. In fact it was only the last couple of months that I really started to show. I think now I'm pretty much the same as I was pre-pregnancy.

12. Dream holiday with your kids?
 We have already taken Calleigh to DisneyLand and it was a dream come true. I must admit though I would love to take her again when she is a bit older so she can enjoy more. 

13. Dream holiday without your kids?
 I really want to say Las Vegas but I think it would have to be Alaska. I would love to go on one of those nature and camping trips just me and Paul. 

14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?
Since Calleigh was born our life has changed so much. She has given us a whole new look on life and it has definitely changed for the better. I couldn't imagine my life without her now and wouldn't have it any other way. 

15. Finish the sentence: 'It makes my heart melt to see … '
Calleigh talking to family on Skype and giving them kisses. With the distance between us it means a lot that Calleigh still loves to see them. I also love it when she comes up to me and says "Momma Best" and gives me a little kiss!

16. Where do you shop for your kids?
I shop at Next a lot. I did in England and I still get a lot of her clothes from nextdirect as they ship internationally. Over here my favourite place to shop for Calleigh is Gymboree but I also get a lot from Target. 

17. Favourite makeup and skincare products?
Clinique products. I use the 3-step system skincare and swear by it. Makeup products I like are Benefit, especially the Boi-Ing conceler- it does wonders for those dark circles!

18. Huggies or Pampers?
Pampers- Calleigh has been in them since the first size and has never had any problems with them. Although we have just started introducing Pull Ups and they are Huggies. 

19. Have you always wanted kids?
No, there was once a time when I said I would never have kids. I'm very happy that I changed my mind!

20. Best part about being a mum?
I love everything about being a mum! My little girl is everything to me and even when at times things seem really hard to deal with, it's just part of being a mum. From playing the same silly game for hours on end to looking after her when she is poorly, it's all so rewarding! 

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