Tuesday 25 September 2012

3 Things I'm Grateful For...

Being a mum is by far the most amazing and best thing in my life. Everyday something new happens like Calleigh taking her first steps. But it also has it's hard moments like missing a night out with your girls or getting on and off a bus with a pushchair (although this may just be me and my awful pushchair orientation).
These things in mind makes me very grateful for the three below.
  1. Family- If it wasn't for mine and Paul's family those night's out with Paul that we both really enjoy wouldn't be possible. And neither would it be possible to see the happiness and beaming grin on Calleigh's face when we pick her up in the morning. So for this reason Thank you Mee-Maw, Lana, Nanna and Grandad :-)
  2. Friend's- It's always good to be reminded that you are not just a mummy every now and again. Sometimes it can feel as though you have replaced drinks and girly chats with nappies and goo goo gaa gaa's. But you haven't you can still go out with the girls and put the goo goo's behind you for one night (although you may find that all you talk about is your little bundle of joy and what she's doing now). So thank you to my girlfriends :-)
  3. Lastly, but by far not least is my lovely husband Paul- Without Paul I really don't think I could cope, he is a constant source of love and support for both Calleigh and I. He is not just a dad or a husband to me, he is my best friend and my rock and he is one hell of a good dad to Calleigh. So thank you Paul.. I, I mean we, love you tons. 



  1. Very cute post :) I'm definitely thankful for my friends too, its been so nice actually seeing you over the past few weeks.. we shouldn't leave it so long next time lol x

  2. very nice beki, grateful is the correct spelling lol
    I see me grandaughter is getting a lot bigger a lot quicker - what you feeding her on?

    1. Haha oh dear.. I have changed it now. Yeah she's getting bigger everyday, she eats all of her food whatever I give her xx
